Our installation service is comprehensive and includes everything that will be needed to complete the furnishing
process. All of the items that make up your project are collated in our West London Warehouse. On the dates we
have agreed everything will be delivered to site on dedicated transport.
We will unload and deliver every item to its end location. It will then be unpacked and assembled as required and all
of the rubbish and packing materials removed. Finally we will check that everything is operating as it should be and
clean the areas we have been working in. We will leave you with a complete operating manual, full cleaning instructions and an inventory of what we have delivered, for your records.
Installation times vary according to the size and nature of the project, but the process will be carried out as quickly and efficiently
as possible. Our objective is to leave the building ready for use. We will advise you on the length of time the installation will take
when you confirm your order.

Delivery direct from our West London warehouse

Furtinture Installation
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